Green's Function

Base.:<<(objL::MeshArray, objR::MeshArray)

DLR Fourier transform of functions on the first temporal grid (ImTime, ImFreq or DLRFreq).

  • If objL and objR have identical temporal grid, objL<<objR assign objR to objL.
  • If objL and objR have different temporal grid, one of them has to be in DLR space.
    • If objL is in DLR space, objL<<objR calculates the DLR spectral density of data in objR
    • if objR is in DLR space, objL<<objR calculates the Green's function from the DLR spectral density in objR.
function dlr_to_imfreq(mesharray[, tgrid; dim])

Transform a Green's function in DLR to the imaginary-time domain. #Arguements

  • 'mesharray': MeshArray in DLR space
  • tgrid: The imaginary-time grid which the function transforms into. Default value is the imaginary-time grid from the DLRGrid from mesharray.mesh[dim].
  • dim: The dimension of the temporal mesh. Default value is the first ImTime mesh.
function imfreq_to_dlr(mesharray[; dim])

Calculate the DLR sepctral density of a Matsubara-frequency Green's function. #Arguements

  • 'mesharray': MeshArray in the Matsubara-frequency domain.
  • dim: The dimension of the mesh to be transformed. Default value is the first dimension with mesh type ImFreq.
function imtime_to_dlr(mesharray[; dim])

Calculate the DLR sepctral density of an imaginary-time Green's function.


  • 'mesharray': MeshArray in the imaginary-time domain.
  • dim: The dimension of the mesh to be transformed. Default value is the first dimension with mesh type ImTime.
function to_dlr(mesharray[; dim])

Calculate the DLR sepctral density of an imaginary-time or Matsubara-frequency Green's function.


  • 'mesharray': MeshArray in the imaginary-time or the Matsubara-frequency domain.
  • dim: The dimension of the mesh to be transformed. Default value is the first dimension with mesh type ImTime or ImFreq.
function to_imfreq(mesharray[; dim])

Transform a Green's function to the Matsubara-frequency domain.


  • 'mesharray': MeshArray in the imaginary-time, the Matsubara-frequency or the DLR frequency domain.
  • dim: The dimension of the mesh to be transformed. Default value is the first dimension with mesh type DLRFreq, ImTime or ImFreq.
function to_imtime(mesharray[; dim])

Transform a Green's function to the imaginary-time domain.


  • 'mesharray': MeshArray in the imaginary-time, the Matsubara-frequency or the DLR frequency domain.
  • dim: The dimension of the mesh to be transformed. Default value is the first dimension with mesh type DLRFreq, ImTime or ImFreq.