Random Variables

mutable struct CompositeVar{V}

A composite variable is a tuple of variables. The probability of the composite variable is the product of the probabilities of the bundled variables.


  • vars : tuple of Variables
  • prob : probability of the composite variable
  • offset : offset of the variable pool, all variables in the pool share the same offset
  • adapt : turn the adaptive map on or off
  • size : size of each variable pool, all variables in the pool share the same size
  • _prob_cache : cache of the probability of the composite variable
function CompositeVar(vargs...; adapt=true)

Create a product of different types of random variables. The bundled variables will be sampled with the product of their distributions.


  • vargs : tuple of Variables
  • adapt : turn the adaptive map on or off
function Continuous(lower, upper, size=MaxOrder; offset=0, alpha=2.0, adapt=true, ninc=1000, grid=collect(LinRange(lower, upper, ninc)))

Create a pool of continuous variables sampled from the set [lower, upper) with a distribution generated by a Vegas map (see below). The distribution is trained after each iteration if adapt = true.


  • lower : lower bound
  • upper : upper bound
  • ninc : number of increments
  • alpha : learning rate
  • adapt : turn the adaptive map on or off
  • grid : grid points for the vegas map


Vegas map maps the original integration variables x into new variables y, so that the integrand is as flat as possible in y:

\[\begin{aligned} x_0 &= a \\ x_1 &= x_0 + \Delta x_0 \\ x_2 &= x_1 + \Delta x_1 \\ \cdots \\ x_N &= x_{N-1} + \Delta x_{N-1} = b \end{aligned}\]

where a and b are the limits of integration. The grid specifies the transformation function at the points $y=i/N$ for $i=0,1\ldots N$:

\[x(y=i/N) = x_i\]

Linear interpolation is used between those points. The Jacobian for this transformation is:

\[J(y) = J_i = N \Delta x_i\]

The grid point $x_i$ is trained after each iteration.

function Continuous(bounds::AbstractVector{Union{AbstractVector,Tuple}}, size=MaxOrder; offset=0, alpha=2.0, adapt=true, ninc=1000, grid=collect(LinRange(lower, upper, ninc)))

Create a set of continuous variable pools sampling from the set [lower, upper) with a distribution generated by a Vegas map, and pack it into a CompositeVar. The distribution is trained after each iteration if adapt = true.


  • bounds : tuple of (lower, upper) for each continuous variable
  • ninc : number of increments
  • alpha : learning rate
  • adapt : turn the adaptive map on or off
  • grid : grid points for the vegas map
mutable struct Continuous{G} <: AbstractVectorVariable{Float64}

A continuous variable pool is a set of floating point variables sampled from the set [lower, upper) with a distribution generated by a Vegas map (see below). The distribution is trained after each iteration if adapt = true.


  • data : floating point variables
  • gidx : index of the grid point for each variable
  • prob : probability of the given variable. For the vegas map, = dy/dx = 1/N/Δxᵢ = inverse of the Jacobian
  • lower : lower bound
  • range : upper - lower
  • offset : offset of the variable pool, all variables in the pool share the same offset
  • grid : grid points for the vegas map
  • inc : increment of the grid points
  • histogram : histogram of the distribution
  • alpha : learning rate
  • adapt : turn the adaptive map on or off
function Continuous(bounds::AbstractVector{Union{AbstractVector,Tuple}}, size=MaxOrder; offset=0, alpha=2.0, adapt=true, ninc=1000, grid=collect(LinRange(lower, upper, ninc)))

Create a set of continuous variable pools sampling from the set [lower, upper) with a distribution generated by a Vegas map, and pack it into a CompositeVar. The distribution is trained after each iteration if adapt = true.


  • bounds : tuple of (lower, upper) for each continuous variable
  • ninc : number of increments
  • alpha : learning rate
  • adapt : turn the adaptive map on or off
  • grid : grid points for the vegas map
mutable struct Discrete <: AbstractVectorVariable{Int}

A discrete variable pool is a set of integer variables sampled from the closed set [lower, lower+1, ..., upper] with a distribution generated by an adaptive distribution. The distribution is trained after each iteration if adapt = true.


  • data : integer variables
  • lower : lower bound
  • upper : upper bound
  • prob : probability of the given variable
  • size : upper-lower+1
  • offset : offset of the variable pool, all variables in the pool share the same offset
  • histogram : histogram of the distribution
  • accumulation : accumulation of the distribution
  • distribution : distribution of the variable pool
  • alpha : learning rate
  • adapt : turn the adaptive map on or off
function Discrete(lower::Int, upper::Int; distribution=nothing, alpha=2.0, adapt=true)

Create a pool of integer variables sampled from the closed set [lower, lower+1, ..., upper] with the distribution Discrete.distribution. The distribution is trained after each iteration if adapt = true.


  • lower : lower bound
  • upper : upper bound
  • distributin : inital distribution
  • alpha : learning rate
  • adapt : turn the adaptive map on or off
accumulate!(var, idx, weight) = nothing

Accumulate a new sample with the a given weight for the idx-th element of the Variable pool var.

function locate(accumulation, p)

Return index of p in accumulation so that accumulation[idx]<=p<accumulation[idx+1]. If p is not in accumulation (namely accumulation[1] > p or accumulation[end] <= p), return -1. Bisection algorithmn is used so that the time complexity is O(log(n)) with n=length(accumulation).

padding_probability(config, idx)

Calculate the joint probability of missing variables for the idx-th integral compared to the full variable set.

padding_probability(config, idx) = total_probability(config) / probability(config, idx)

poolsize(vars::CompositeVar) = vars.size

Return the size of the variable pool. All variables packed in the CompositeVar share the same size.


function rescale(dist::AbstractVector, alpha=1.5)

Rescale the dist array to avoid overreacting to atypically large number.

There are three steps:

  1. dist will be first normalize to [0, 1].
  2. Then the values that are close to 1.0 will not be changed much, while that close to zero will be amplified to a value controlled by alpha.
  3. In the end, the rescaled dist array will be normalized to [0, 1].

Check Eq. (19) of https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.05112.pdf for more detail

function smooth(dist::AbstractVector, factor=6)

Smooth the distribution by averaging two nearest neighbor. The average ratio is given by 1 : factor : 1 for the elements which are not on the boundary.
